• Composition

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    Fresh Perspective

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    You may not realize it, but every time you bring your camera up to your eye you're making decisions about composition. Simply put, composition is how you choose to frame the picture you're about to make. Many books have been written about composition, and while no two people are likely to frame the same scene the same way, there are some general guidelines that can help you improve your photos and make them more interesting and engaging.

    Diane Berkenfeld
    5 EASY COMPOSITION GUIDELINES 5 easy tips for learning how to compose photographs. 2:21 min.

    The Rule of Thirds

    One of the first questions to ask yourself when composing your picture is: "What is my subject?"
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    Photography Composition: The Importance of Foreground

    One of the best ways to improve one’s photography composition is to view the work of others. In carrying out this exercise, astute photographers will likely notice a number of factors that, when skillfully utilized, contribute to the success of memorable images. Those same factors, when utilized less skillfully, actually detract from images. One of these factors is the use of foregrounds. In successful images, the foregrounds are an integral part of the images. In each successful photographic ...

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